From R$100. Sector 2 to 13. Sector 9 numerado. Great view. A lot of fun.


Camarote Setor 8 Open bar, buffet, Show, Transporte.


Ganhe R$100 de desconto a traves de nosso Link de afiliado


Frisas numeradas, o setor mais perto da passarela.


Numbered chairs at Sector 12. Great view good price.

Another Carnival of satisfied customers!! Thank you very much for your trust!!

Our Tourism Agency is registered with Embratur, Cadastur and ABAV, according to LAW No. 12.974, Art 1 VI providing intermediation service remunerated in booking and selling tickets for public, artistic, sporting and cultural shows.The prices on the website may be higher or lower than the nominal price) and already includes any additional taxes, duties or service charges in the nal price exposed on this website. Nº 12.974, Art 1º VI intermédia de forma remunerada na reserva e venda de ingressos para espetáculos públicos, artísticos, esportivos e culturais. Os valores exibidos no site podem ser maior ou menor que o valor nominal) e ja inclui todas cobranças de impostos, tributos ou taxas de serviço adicionais no valor final exibido em este site.


How to buy the tickets for the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro?

You can buy your tickets for the carnival of Rio de Janeiro right here on the GO Carnaval Rio website. To do this, simply choose which sector you prefer and the quantity of tickets you want to buy.

Go Carnaval Rio is a tourism agency registered and certied in the Ministry of Tourism of Brazil (CADASTUR), ABAV Brazilian Association of Travel Agencies of RJ and RIOTUR composed by professionals trained in tourism. We love Carnival, we love Rio de Janeiro, we are here to make your CARNIVAL IN RIO DE JANEIRO the best of your travel experiences, and to assist you with our specialized team.

Tourism Agency Registered at the Ministry of Tourism of Brazil. Customer Service by Tourist Guide Registered at the Ministry of Tourism of Brazil.

We speak Portuguese, English, Spanish and Italian. Buy and Receive Safety your Carnival Tickets, Transfers, Tours and other tourist products.

You need assistance to buy, or any doubts?


+55 (21) 98270-8702

+55 (21) 98270-8702

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